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Great Leadership Creates Great Workplace


Think about a time you were at your personal best as a leader.  What were the key actions and behaviors you took as the leader that made a difference?

1st ed of the Leadership Challenge “I think good people deserve good leadership.  The people I manage deserve the best leadership in the workplace,” Debi Coleman, Synopsys.


The Leadership Challenge and Five Practices started in 1982 when Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner set out to identify and understand those times when leaders performed at their best. What came out of the research were the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership.  The LPI 360 assessment (also available in a self-version) gauges the frequency that leaders display each of the 30 behaviors that make up the TLC model.  The Leadership Challenge is a measurable, learnable, and teachable set of behaviors.  Give leaders a framework and a common language.  It gets all leaders in your organization on the same language.  It allows all Leaders to get on the same page.  It is treating people with dignity and respect.

What is the LPI 360?

As a certified coach for the LPI 360 Assessment, I offer a powerful observer-based assessment that measures The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®. Created by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, this acclaimed leadership development model allows leaders to assess their leadership competencies and take actionable steps based on their discoveries. With the LPI® 360, leaders receive a detailed report that helps them embark on a journey toward achieving the extraordinary and reaching their leadership best.


Do you want to change the leadership culture within your organization?  Or continue the status quo?

The Five Practices is the foundation for leaders to do when they are at their absolute personal best.  You cannot improve what you cannot measure.  

Five Practices attached to your core values.  How you show up to work and at home.  It is about empowerment to change with your life and who you are.  Changes the person integrated your core competencies your more accepted to feedback.  There is no 360 on the market like the 5 practices it changes the heart of the individual and you become teachable through the process.

The LPI itself is the centerpiece of the brand and we have a line of additional development materials that are used to support ongoing development.

The Leadership Challenge Workshop

Katie Garcia, a certified LPI 360 Coach, provides a transformative coaching experience using the acclaimed leadership development model, The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®. Through the LPI® 360 assessment, Katie empowers leaders to evaluate their leadership competencies with input from observers. With Katie's guidance, leaders can leverage the detailed assessment report to embark on a growth journey, unlocking their full leadership potential and striving for excellence. Experience the power of LPI® 360 coaching with Katie Garcia and take the first step towards becoming an extraordinary leader.


The more frequently leaders demonstrate the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership the more engaged people are in their workplaces.


  • 95.8% of Direct Reports are highly engaged when leaders “Very Frequently” or “Almost Always” use The Five Practices.

  • 4.2% of Direct Reports are highly engaged when leaders don’t use The Five Practices more than “Once in a while.”

  • To be a successful leader, you need to engage in the 30 behaviors which is the 30 questions. 


Model The Way

  • Clarify value by finding your voice and affirming shared values

  • Set the example by aligning actions with shared values

  • Leadership is personal.  Do the people you lead know who you are, what you care about, and why they should follow you?  Ron Sugar, Northrup Grumman

  • Credibility is the foundation of leadership. Do What You Say You Will Do (DWYSYWD).  Walk the walk and talk the talk

  • Never ask them to do something I would not do.

  • You’re setting the example.

  • What have I done today that demonstrates the values that I have hold near and dear to me


Inspire a Share Vision

  • Envision the future by imaging exciting and ennobling possibilities

  • Enlist others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations

  • Communicate vision in and organization


Challenge The Process

  • Search for opportunities by seizing the initiative and by looking outward for innovative way to improve.

  • Experiment and take risks by consistently generating small wins and learning from experience

  • Leadership is getting people to look beyond their own job descriptions for ways to improve and challenge the status quo.

  • Ways to improve your job and celebrate small wins

  • How can you improve your ability to Challenge The Process:

  • Be curious about what is happening around you – investigate

  • Challenge yourself to learn about something you do not already know

  • Support risk-taking by fostering learning from experience


Enables Others To Act

  • Foster collaboration by building trust and facilitating relationships

  • Strengthen others by increasing self-determination and developing competencies

  • What is a critical success factor for the top positions in organizations?  Relationships with direct reports.


Encourage the Heart

  • Recognize contributions by showing appreciation for individual excellence

  • Celebrate the values and victories by creating a spirit of community

  • How can you improve your ability to Encourage The Heart?  Make each team member feel valued for what they bring to the table as individuals and celebrate together continuously.

  • 7 in 10 Americans wish they received more recognition in the workplace.

  • While 83% readily admit they could do more to recognize others


Leadership development, like any personal development does not stop with one instance of training.  It is a voyage of self-discovery that beings with an expedition into your inner terrain and ends with your commitment to act on what you have learned.


Why choose a 360-degree Assessment?

360-degree feedback is vital for a leader’s development:

  • You do not know how you are being perceived.  It is a development tool.  It has over 35 years of research which is what sets us apart.  It is evidence-based.

  • Six behavior statements per category

  • The measurement is the frequency of engagement you want to do better.  Increase my frequency 1 almost never to 10 almost always

  • Exemplary leaders equally engage in all Five Leadership Practices – all 30 Leadership Behaviors/Questions.

  • The goal is to get to 70 and above percentile ranking on the report.  How do you compare to everyone else?

  • Research-based

When leaders use the Five Practices more frequently than their counterparts:

  • It creates a higher-performing team

  • Generates increased sales and customer satisfaction teams

  • Fosters renewed loyalty and greater organizational commitment

  • Promotes high degrees of student and teacher involvement in schools

  • Reduce absenteeism, turnover, and dropout rates


Five Practices attached to your core values.  How you show up to work and at home.  It is about empowerment to change with your life and who you are.  Changes the person integrated your core competencies your more accepted to feedback.  There is no 360 on the market like the 5 practices it changes the heart of the individual and you become teachable through the process.

The LPI itself is the centerpiece of the brand and we have a line of additional development materials that are used to support ongoing development.

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